Business Details


Hells Bells Fitness

Hell's Bells Fitness, located in Ballajura, is dedicated to providing personalized training programs that cater to the unique needs of each client. Founded and operated by Jen, a highly experienced coach with over 42 years in the fitness industry, Hell's Bells Fitness specializes in functional movement, mobility, rehab, and pain management.

At Hell's Bells Fitness, the priority is to assess each client's starting point to develop a customized training plan that promotes sustainable progress. Jen's approach focuses on improving mobility and stability, which are essential for building strength and preventing injuries. Clients benefit from one-on-one training sessions that address their specific goals and needs, whether it's recovering from an injury, enhancing overall fitness, or managing chronic pain.

The studio caters to a diverse clientele, including motorbike riders, FIFO workers, and individuals seeking postural realignment and movement restoration. Hell's Bells Fitness offers a range of services, including personalized training, specialized programs for injury prevention, and comprehensive rehab solutions.

Jen's commitment to her clients goes beyond typical personal training. She believes in the importance of flexibility, endurance, and strength, providing a holistic approach to fitness. The studio environment is private and non-threatening, ensuring that clients feel comfortable and supported throughout their fitness journey.

Hell's Bells Fitness also emphasizes the psychological benefits of exercise, often incorporating the presence of a symbolic dog, Harley, to create a positive and motivating atmosphere. This unique aspect of the studio has contributed significantly to the long-term success and satisfaction of Jen's clients.

Whether you are looking to improve your mobility, manage pain, or achieve your fitness goals, Hell's Bells Fitness offers expert guidance, personalized care, and a supportive community to help you succeed.





Open all day


04:00 PM - 07:00 PM


09:00 AM - Rest of the day


09:00 AM - Rest of the day


09:00 AM - Rest of the day


09:00 AM - Rest of the day


09:00 AM - Rest of the day