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The only escape from a salary cap prison is to trade the player for pennies

September 25, 2021
The only escape from a salary cap prison is to trade the player for pennies for the dollar. This temporary relief is not forever as it will be followed by a new season of young players. The contract values for younger players are not sufficient, and 2K Sports need to address this issue. I am a strong believer in building more criteria into the mechanics of expectations in contracts. A new player should hope to be well-treated by their team.

The constant and irritating advertisement of products - 2K Sports earn a lot from partnerships with sponsors like Gatorade or Beats. To some degree the excitement of the game is enhanced by the presence of companies. These ads have become quite unpleasant over the past couple of years.

NBA 2K20 is an excellent example of corporate influence diluting product. The event appearances that were not able to be avoided were advertising spots for these companies. Gatorade and Beats were everywhere throughout the field and promoted at every chance. The ads grew old fast. The passive ads are fine in my Neighbourhood. However I strongly oppose the push of products onto the user. These cutscenes, spots and commercials must be eliminated from NBA 2K21.

MyCareer Free Agency Once you've reached the aforementioned level in MyCareer it's possible to influence your team's free agency decision-making. The MyPlayer can choose five open agency targets that the front office will work towards acquiring. This is a new aspect and an incentive for MyCareer's gruelling grind.

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