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The major advantages are its ability to play anywhere

August 04, 2021
START: August 04, 2021 @ 09:25 AM END: August 31, 2021 @ 09:45 AM
Donohue states that esports highlight the "transformation" in the way that youngsters consume content and the way they consume it. For brands, this means that Esports can be "a ideal opportunity for partners to engage with younger audiences that may not be on conventional channels."

The NBA is learning too about this new generation and what they would like to witness. "The major difference between the esports I observe compared to traditional sports is the power of the fan and the power of the fan" Donohue says.

He describes that manifesting itself through elements like the Twitch chat feature that is integrated into their Twitch broadcasts. "The Twitch chat function is always on and we track the function to keep our fans interested, however, it's also an ideal opportunity to get immediate feedback and make adjustments to our broadcasts... We're talking about "hey you're getting the feedback of the fans." the camera angle as well as the behind-the scenes content" that Donohue describes as "almost becoming the norm for the younger audience, which is that you're actively listening."

The NBA 2K League is not subject to the limitations of traditional sports.The major advantages are its ability to play anywhere. This allows not only for the new draft procedure but also allows for international markets to be tapped.

The NBA has done its own great work to boost its international profile however, the NBA has been confined to playing in a handful of cities such as Paris, London and China. International divisions, long-rumored to be possible, are nothing more what they are: a dream.

If you want to know more about NBA 2K, you can go to nba2king.com

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